Therapy Outcome Measures:
Bridge Case Management's Two Additional Outcome Measures.Â
How can you measure case management?
At Bridge Case Management, we are extremely passionate about developing and understanding how our skills and experience as Case Managers, add value to our client’s journey and to do that, we had to build an evidence base. Emma McClean and Siân Bailey, two of our Clinical Leads, started looking for tools that could be used to measure outcomes and decided the Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMs) developed by Prof. Pamela Enderby, were going to be a best fit. TOM is based on The World Health Organisations International Classification of Functioning based on the domains of: Impairment, Activity, Participation, and Well-Being. Emma and Sian requested to complete the TOMs training and became train the trainers, the training was very good, and we advise that anyone who wishes to use TOMs, attends.
Post training, Prof. Enderby asked Emma and Siân to look at developing a TOM for amputees, which was a steep learning curve, but they did it.
We started to use the new and other already published, adapted scales, and started to wonder, could we look at how the tools could be used to measure case management outcomes? However, the range of adapted scales were not comparable, nor did a single score cover the range of challenges faced by our unique client group. To remedy this, our intrepid duo set about creating another TOMs scale, this time tailored for all case management clients, something that has never been available within the case management industry, it has since become known as CM-TOMs.
CM-TOMs is a holistic tool that can be used to quantify the client's current levels of Impairment, Activity, Participation, Wellbeing and Engagement. By using it to set a baseline and then re-scoring at pre-determined points along the clients’ rehabilitation journey, we can begin to build a picture of the impact of case management. The data will enable us to identify excellent case management practice, alongside understanding barriers to rehabilitation. We will be able to begin to build an evidence base to support cohesive rehabilitation plans, that truly enable the client’s rehabilitation, in a cost-effective way, improving the quality of case management services. It is also important to add that maintaining a clients performance can also be a good outcome, it's not always about improvement in all of the domains. And the rest, as they say, is history!
Both new measures will be included in the new edition of Prof. Enderby’s book; Therapy Outcome Measure Handbook Theory, User Guide and Scales (2024)
Bridge Case Management are extremely excited about using TOMs and would like to thank Professor Enderby for her support and commitment in getting us here.